This morning Rob and I took our Sunday drive on Saturday! Normally, I would be at work so this was an extra special drive. Yes, each week we are those Sunday drivers that people complain about. We stop and get coffee at a local coffee shop and just drive. We stopped by the lake and Roxy went swimming!!! I never have my camera for those darling Kodak moments! It's so much fun to just let her loose and watch what she does on her own (mostly a lot of sniffing, peeing, and pooping...ha)!
Today, I am thinking about America and how blessed we are to be living in the land of the free, home of the brave. So many people are suffering. So many people do not have what we have and yet we take it for granted so easily. I hate to say it, but I can see why other countries might not like us. I once saw a bumper sticker that read, "America Bless God." That has completely stuck with me. Today, I am thinking that America has already been blessed by God. It's time that America blesses God. I did a little research online this morning about America blessing God to see what was out there. I found this site called AmericaBlessGod.com. The following words are from their site, they are not my own. But, they sum up how I am feeling on this day. Sure, I am excited about hot dogs and fireworks - but, more than that I am excited about Jesus who has been setting my heart on fire these days.
(from AmericaBlessGod.com)
"America Bless God, was started soon after September 11, 2001. Our nation was in shock much like after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, on December 7, 1941. We were all stunned wondering Why? Why would someone want to destroy us? As I have been growing in my faith, learning about God, country, life, and all that makes up our life, I have rediscovered that we, America, the United States, were founded as a God honoring Christian Nation. The men and women who came to this part of the world came with a vision from the God of the Bible. The vision was to have a homeland that was Christian. I know that many disagree, and say that America is a land made up of many different beliefs and many different philosophies, but if you do an honest search and study of our origin, you can’t deny the facts that America was established as a “Born-Again Christian Nation.”
People, today as we celebrate our independence...let us celebrate the God that made this possible.