Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Here Comes The Sun...

...little darlin', here comes the sun - it's alright.
This is what I am singing in my head on yet another dreary winter day!
I do find the snow to be beautiful, but it loses it's magic when I let Roxy out to do her duty in it!

I got in some much needed time at Grandma's house. So much work to be done, but the line that always gets me through is this ... slow and steady wins the race! I have learned over the years to let things happen in their own time. Everything that I have rushed, pushed, ran through has all fell apart due to lack of thoughtfulness. I know that if I continue to do the things that I can do (tear down wallpaper, sort through items and make decisions about them, etc.) that divine intervention will intercede and meet me at the halfway mark. I'm not even going to spend energy worrying whether or not our house will sell. That is not mine to worry about...we do the work to get it to that point and the rest will be played out magically. This is how life works, I'm convinced. You can't leave it all up to God. You have to do what you can do and have the Faith that the rest will work out (in its perfect time). This applies to every aspect of my life today and always.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Precious Moments

Last night we had a family dinner at my parents, it's been awhile. Mexican night =yum! Definitely going to have to do extra cardio tonight when I work out.

When we arrived my brother, Nathan, was pulling CJ and Alyssa around with the 4wheeler...they were on a sled. Rob ran home and grabbed Emily's snow clothes, I am so glad we had them. I would have hated for her to miss out. Nate proceeded to pull the 3 kids all over the land and their puppy, Tucker, ran alongside them the entire time. What a little trooper! It's in those precious moments that I just stop and take it all in. Life is good. I would love to hit the pause button on those times because they are just so perfect.

Emily spends the night at our house on Wednesday nights now. This is super cool for me because Rob leaves for work sooooo early, so it's just her and I getting ready on Thursday mornings...and then the best part...I get to drive her to school! It's insane how much satisfaction I attain from getting her off to school safely (and lovingly). It's funny because Rob always calls to make sure I actually got up to get her going...as if :)!!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A Blog A Day...

...keeps me sane! Oh how I miss my blogging. First of all, I do not recommend cutting your internet and cable as a means of saving money. With that being said, there are some good things that have come out of us not having "entertainment" in our home. Like the fact that Rob and I have kept up with exercising and creating healthy meals. And, we truly are having more quality moments in our household. The fact that I have no idea what is happening on American Idol is huge! We do rent movies and that has actually been great. Movies seem better lately...I think it's because we've deprived ourselves, not because the movies are actually that good. Ha!
(perfect example, we just rented Zombieland and I loved it)

I've done a lot of fun things since I've last blogged, but am going to post pictures about all that...once I actually remember to bring my camera and camera cord to work!

I did see the new Dr. I was SO nervous and excited. I've been seeing the same Dr. for ten years!!! And, this one is a man! But, the Dr. who ended up delivering Faith was a man, so since then I have gotten comfortable with the whole idea. He is super proactive which I dig! He told me that once I do become pregant he is going to be like an Old Mother Hen. If we're not pregnant within 6 months then he has a game plan for me. In the meantime, he recommended that Rob drinks red bull. I am not kidding! Apparantly, it gets those little guys moving (so inappropriate for this blog, I know...but, I just think it's hysterical). He also gave me some valuable advice from a guy's perspective. Let's just say that Rob really likes the new Dr. though he hasn't even met him :)

There is always so much happening in my life. But, somehow it always comes back to the fact that I am without child. I am okay. I am living. I am happy. But, there is that huge chunk of my heart that has a lot to give to my baby. The one that came. The one that went. The one that will someday be.