"Begin with love and lots of caring. Add some trust, enough for sharing. You'll need forgiveness to make it right and plenty of laughter to keep it light.
Stir in some patience to bind it together. With understanding it holds even better. Add hugs and I love yous wherever you will, then pour on some praise but don't overfill.
Stir very lightly, leave room to grow. Don't bother with lumps, they won't even show. Spread on the topping of genuine pleasure. Your happy home will be a treasure forever."
Thank you Kathleen for the beautiful plate, it's located on the wall next to Grandma's hutch. It contains a recipe that I will always keep close to my heart.
I've always wondered when I would finally "feel like a woman." Like when will I actually not feel like such a kid anymore?! I am 31 after all... I thought maybe once I had kids the shift would happen, but actually I figured it out this week. Feeling like a woman is when you cook dinner for your family (most nights) and keep the house in good operating condition. I feel organized, I feel "together," I feel that yes I CAN actually cook after all. Damn...I feel like a woman! Ha!