This weekend I purchased new cleaning supplies in hopes that I would become inspired to clean our home. Overall, it's clean. But, what I was looking to do was deep clean. You know spring cleaning, though it sure doesn't feel like spring ... which is why I think that I am struggling majorly!
My life is lacking that extra "umpf." My life energy is waaaay down!
I continue to learn that inspiration is not going to swoop down, miraculously, and save me. Inspiration is something to move towards. You have to meet it.
So, I grabbed my newest addition to the cleaning product family ... Spot Shot and tackled every spot on the carpet. I love my puppy, but she has not been good for the living room floor. Inspiration has started (very slowly) moving through my veins.
Next up ... mopping all the floors with my new Mr. Clean febreze freshness cleaner (lavender and vanilla scented)!
So just remember (as I continue to remind myself) ... if you're looking to become inspired, just begin. Just start moving. Don't wait to feel like moving. Once you start moving, you'll feel like it. You just will.
Waiting 4 inspiration is like waiting for someone to deliver a cheeseburger that you didn't order. Waiting 4 inspiration is like waiting for a bus to come in the middle of a cornfield. Waiting 4 inspiration is very depressing. I'm not waiting anymore.