Saturday morning Rob and I woke up at 4:30am to go and watch the sunrise. Totally his idea (I do not come up with ideas that involve waking while it's still dark out). That morning he is nudging me to get up because it's a special day. Since it was the anniversary of losing our baby girl, I got up without whining. The only time I ever get up that early is if I am going to the airport. My husband gets up that early every single day for work...bless his heart! I would be a monster!!! People would hate me. Roxy didn't even want to get up and she loves going for rides more than anything in her life. But, like me she pushed through and off we went. First we went and got coffee at our fave local joint(and bless those people for being up that early every morning-too) and then to the lake we went. It was very cloudy and we didn't actually see the sun rise...but, it was still cool. Glimpses of orange light through the clouds...it was nice. Then, we came home and got ready for the day. We went and ate breakfast at a place that we've both driven past one hundred times. It was perfect. So cute and so good. Unexpected goodness. I love it. I would rather go out for breakfast than any other meal. I think it is so fun!
In honor of Faith, my mom and I decided to fix up this wild garden at my grandma's house (almost our house) that my Aunt Beanie (her name is Belinda, but she is Beanie to me) put together when she was living with my Grandma about 5 years ago. It's this amazing garden full of perennials. I have always liked it because it is a hot mess! I don't like perfect order when it comes to flowers. I like chaos! I feel like a garden has so much more life...like the plants are untamed (though they will be mildly tamed once we get our hands on them). My mom was out of town this past weekend so we are going to get to work soon. Beanie will be in town and she said she'd help us. On Saturday, Rob and I bought a small cross statue to put in front of the garden. We brought it to the site and I said a prayer. It was sweet. And, sad. I decided that every year on the anniversary that I want to add something to the garden. Whether it be a fountain, a little bridge, or the introduction of a new plant to the mix. I might just get a green thumb yet! I think moving to Grandma's house is going to turn me into so much more of a woman. Before you know it I will be cooking amazing dinners while wearing one of her aprons!