I've lived a handful of places.
My first move out of my parents house was to Chicago! I worked for a big corporation and a friend, Amy, that I met there and I decided to get a place together. She already lived in the city. I knew prior to moving there that I was more of a country girl and less of a city girl, but I also felt the need to do it for the experiences that it would provide. Coming from a small town you realize how closed minded you can become about the world around you. My eyes definitely opened to a lot of things. I loved my time there. I lived in Roscoe Village which is a neighborhood close to Wrigleyville. Close to the action, but far enough away to have more of a quiet feel. I didn't stay longer than a year because while I lived there, my grandfather was dying of cancer (my Dad's father), my nephew, CJ, was about to be born and I ended up dating someone (my first husband, Rich) who lived here! I had my fun, and then I just wanted to come home.
I moved back to my parents. Got engaged, and Rich and I rented an apartment that was really the upstairs of a house that was turned into a living space. It was so little, and cute. My Dad always called that place a tree fort. When you are just starting out, it's not really about the size, it's about having something that is simply yours.
Rich and I bought a house after that. I knew right when we walked in that it was going to be the one. I loved having all that space after living in the tree fort. The backyard was large and fenced in, so we got Roxy! Rich and I later divorced. I kept the house and the dog.
Fast forward to present...married to Rob, living in 'his' house. While I like it here and it does feel homey, it's not home. Maybe because he already had the house and we didn't purchase it together. There is also no room to grow here. It's a 2 bedroom, 1 bath. One room is ours, one room is Emily's. When I was pregnant with Faith, we were house hunting for something larger, but nothing felt right. After she passed, so did the dream of moving. Time went by, and I felt a sudden desire to explore buying my grandma and grandpa's house. I had never even thought of living there before. I really feel that God himself placed the desire in my heart (he does stuff like that, you know). It surprised me. Rob and I have discussed it a lot...talking ourselves out of it several times. It's more money than we're used to paying, and it's A LOT of upkeep. But, with all of that being said - it just feels right. My grandma so badly wanted the house to be kept in the family. I know what that house is. I spent a lot of time there. It is a very well kept house. No one has lived in it for over 3 years. It does need some updating, but it's the kind of stuff you can do as you live there. I am super excited to bring the house 'back to life.' Yesterday, my dad and I spent the entire day doing work outside of the house. Today, I am working on our house to get it ready to put on the market. It's a bad time to sell, but when God is in something - mountains move. I just have to continue to have Faith, and not to become discouraged. I know that it is all going to work out, I just don't know how long it's going to take. But, I am moving ahead with complete trust in the one that does know.
1 comment:
Ooo . . . it works! So, does this mean you're moving? I love how you said that when God is on our side, He can move mountains; this is true and you of all people know this.
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