This has been a big week in my life. I am thrilled that it is the weekend because I need some serious quiet time to wrap my head around all that has happened.
My Grandma had picked out scripture that she wanted read at her funeral. One of the readings was Psalms 139. I have been thinking a lot about this message since Wednesday after the Pastor had read it to us. Then, the other night I watched Joyce Meyer on t.v and her talk was on this exact Psalm! She was talking about how the little things we do (or don't do) really do matter. She used to never put her grocery cart back where it went and when she became right with the Lord, he would convict her of it until she finally began putting it back every single time. The moral of her story was that He pays attention to what we do when no one is looking (no matter how small we may think it is). This reminded me of a time (in the not so distant past) when Rob and I went to the movies. We snuck in our own drinks. I was so paranoid about it, it just didn't feel right. And, looking back it's because I was being convicted. I wouldn't have given the act that much thought a few years ago, but now that I am walking the narrow path it felt bad. I had a 16oz plastic bottle of diet coke. I didn't screw the top all the way back on and I ended up knocking it onto the floor (caused by my paranoia). The pop rolled under the seat of the guy in front of us and proceeded to spin around in circles under his chair. Pop was spraying from the floor all over him. I could have died. Rob got some napkins and apologized all over the place. I couldn't even speak.
When you decide to live your life His way, He really does help to teach you what that means (and sometimes He's really comical about it). Needless to say, Rob and I went on a movie date last night and we did not bring anything in...and I never will again.
On that note, I will leave you with the beginning verses of Psalms 139.
O Lord, you have searched me and known me!
You know when I sit down and when I rise up;
you discern my thoughts from afar.
You search out my path and my lying down
and are acquainted with all my ways.
Even before a word is on my tongue,
behold, O Lord, you know it altogether.
1 comment:
Gotta love it! I am the same way with grocery carts and littering. It's the small things that matter because you know that God is watching. :-]
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