The one difference though is that I'm okay (kinda' ok) with it all. I used to judge myself (harshly) by the to-do list. My Dad was raised to work...more work, not so much play. And, his big question to us throughout my growing up was always, "so what did you do, today." It was always about what was accomplished. It's not because he didn't want us to have fun, it's just because he was raised to work. He is retired and I believe he works harder than most working people. Every day he has a list that he works from...and he gets so much done! But, because of that - I've always judged how much of a person I was by how much I got done in a day. I didn't ever have days where I just sat around and watched t.v and monkeyed around on the internet or read a book all day, but these past few weeks I've actually had two full days like that...and you know what, it was AMAZING! And, better than that...I didn't feel guilty about it.
I read something once about how we're human BEINGS...not human DOINGS. There is something to say about just being. Just letting yourself be. And, I am pretty sure it is in that stillness that the magic can actually occur. I noticed that I've been laughing more. I've also noticed that I feel more relaxed. So, going into 2011 my resolution is simply going to do less, but be more. The rest will come. I believe.
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