This past Friday, I actually got a puppy!!! I am so thrilled that Rob allowed this to happen. He really did not want another dog, but marriage is full of compromises...not to mention I had to make a lot of deals to get this baby girl!
We named her Molly because she is just so darn sweet. Molly has always been a name that signified sweet to me. She is an 8week old Rottweiler and I am so in love with her. She already knows how to sit and as long as we pay attention to her she does not have accidents in the house. She is used to going outside! The one thing that is hard is getting sleep! She likes to wake up in the middle of the night and cry...not just a little whimper, a full blown sounds like someone is being hurt cry! It's amazing to me that I always sleep thru Rob's alarm. But, the sound of this puppy howling is an instant up for me! Roxy is getting more and more used to her. She loves to bite Roxy's paws and ears and she even puts her whole head in Roxy's mouth. It's pretty cute though I am always nervous about Roxy forgetting how big she is and really hurting her. The fact that I have been able to spend quality time with them has really helped get her trained quickly as well as give Roxy supervised time to get to know her.
There is plenty to do here (always), but being with my doggies is all that really matters on this snowy day.
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