Some could say, "they are just dogs." But, I disagree. I wake up every morning to Molly's head resting on the side of the bed. She stares at me, it's a little creepy - but, cute all at the same time. I can't brush her off. When she's ready to go, she's ready to go. She has replaced my alarm. Roxy also wakes up early, thanks to Molly. She likes to jump on Roxy and bite her ears to get her day going. Roxy and I don't love Molly in the morning. But, we wouldn't trade her. She's the life in the house.
They are in my morning routine. Watching my every move. They know my order. They know the drill. They watch me blowdry my hair (and sometimes I have to stop because Molly is suddenly M.I.A and I just know she is chewing someone's shoes)! We practice their tricks
before I head off for my day (they will do anything for cheese). They are smart girls. Ready to shake or 'be a bear,' whenever I ask.
They sleep all day and sometimes Grandma comes and lets them out, but mostly they just sleep. And, when I come home they are full on energy. Their nubs shake when they see me and I can just feel their happiness that I am home. Their favorite is when all of us our home together, myself, Rob, Emily.
These girls are mine. They lick my face when I cry. If I'm sitting on the floor they will come and plop down on my lap. My girls weigh 75 and 85lbs., but I don't mind. I feel loved. I am loved.
Roxy's my best friend and Molly's my baby. Their favorite things to do are to chase squirrels, ride in the car, and wake Emily up : )
You see, they could never be "just dogs." They are my family, my sweet sweet girls. And, sometimes - like this morning - they are enough.
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