Yesterday, Mom and I went to a hair show in Lake Geneva at the Grand Geneva Resort (love it). The staff of stylists went both Sunday and Monday. They were able to earn their CEU's (hours they have to maintain to keep their license valid) as well as become inspired and learn some new techniques! Today, we are going to meet and discuss the show so they can give each other tips they acquired and ideas/suggestions that they might have. Looking forward to that.
We went to a wonderful class in the morning that really renewed my working spirit. I have a tendency to become "bogged down" by information. So many great ideas, so little time and energy to maintain the focus that is necessary. Yesterday's class, however, was all about loving your staff and thinking about them and their goals. You can't help but be a success when the focus is off of you and what you are going through. When the focus is placed on others, everyone wins!
This made me think about Jesus and how he was a servant leader. He washed his disciples feet so that they would learn from him to do the same. I read somewhere how the best way to cure feelings of depression is to stop thinking about yourself and think about someone else...by calling them, sending them a card, taking them to lunch (the options are endless). I have definitely found that when I am focusing too much on myself, I am not really happy. Because I am spending precious time thinking about what I should/could be doing...how I could fix this or that about myself and my life. When really the only thing I "should" be doing is slowing down, taking it all in, loving others, thinking about others and how I might brighten their day (rather than my own). In turn, I will feel a whole lot better.
All this from a hair show!!! Definitely feeling the love today.
Speaking of love... My favorite nephew, CJ, turns 8 today!!!
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