Thursday, November 19, 2009

This is the Day...

"This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it."
Psalm 118:24

What a week this has been. I can't even form it into words. It has been challenging, to say the least. This morning I had to just stop and spend quiet time with the Lord to be able to go on. Definitely needed to renew my spirit!

I hopped online after that and found that one of my favorite bloggers ( who just turned author is at the Barnes and Noble at Old Orchard Mall TONIGHT. She is the one who wrote the cookbook that I posted about. I am SO excited. I called Rob and he said he would go with me...what a guy! I don't find many opportunities to be spontaneous in my very scheduled life. So, this is a real treat. I did have to cancel dinner at Mom's, but she understands :)

Tomorrow, myself and the girls are going to see New Moon. If you haven't read the Twilight Series, you should. I vowed to never read those books, I couldn't understand how people got all sorts of crazy about vampires and werewolves. But, I needed to see what the fuss was all about. I read a ton, so I was curious to see what my opinion would be. Two words...LOVE IT.

This morning, I am on my way to "jail." It's a fundraiser to raise money for Muscular Dystrophy which my nephew, CJ, has. I had to raise $800 to make my bail...and I did it (and then some). I feel excited about that because this is something I CAN do. When a loved one has an illness, you feel helpless. You can't make it disappear. I definitely pray for that miracle and I definitely have my hope in the Lord. But, I also want to actively do something. So, this feels good. In addition, when Grandma passed we asked that in lieu of flowers a donation be made to one of three organizations. One of them was Muscular Dystrophy. So, in addition to my bail...I am bringing over $1,000, in checks, in remembrance of my very special Grandma. Praise God!

I think it's safe to declare...that today is going to be a really great day.

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