Found ... 2 adorable gray kittens. 1 male, 1 female.
So, yesterday when I got to work there was a note on my desk to call one of our clients who thinks they may have kittens from my parents house. Loooong story short, the kittens did in fact go on a field trip and followed some kids up the hill. They've been living in a neighbors house since Thanksgiving. They did call my parents and left a message thinking they could possibly belong to them, but of course they are out of town and I didn't think to check their phone messages. The interesting thing is that Monday I was praying really hard about those kittens. I couldn't believe how much it was bothering me. Monday is when the lady called the salon looking for me!
Mom and Dad will be home Friday and I can't wait. It's ridiculous how much I miss them and it's not because I'm tired of animal duty. I'm used to seeing my Dad every day at work and his to do list is really starting to pile up! :) And, I'm really missing mom's cooking. Sometimes I wonder when I am going to actually feel like an adult. Ha!

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