Thursday, September 16, 2010

What's Your Dream?

I'm reading this book (well, I am currently reading 5, but this is one of them) right now called the "Passion Test." It's all about creating your passionate life. This is something that I definitely desire. I desire to be passionate about the life that I am CO-creating. I am clearly not the sole creater and I am grateful for that. I do believe that we play a big part in how it goes...of course based on what we are dealt.
I am going to begin going to church and I am excited about that. I had this thought put in me the other night when I was laying in bed that I wasn't necessarily going for me. Of course I will get things from going to church, but I had this deeper feeling that maybe my story could actually help someone. Then, I pictured getting up in front of everyone and telling them all about Faith and what that loss has done for my walk with the Lord. I felt so insanely happy about that. I guess because for once in my life I felt like I had a purpose...a purpose that related to God. One of my goals is to help make God tangible to other strugglers. I feel like he is preparing me..for something. Of course I am being prepared for a life beyond this...but, I mean I feel like he is preparing me for something HERE. I want to be in such a rush to know what that is. But, like everything...I need time to marinate! I need time to be soaked in Him.
In the book they state that "what you put your attention on grows stronger in your life." This makes me think of the bible verse, "Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things". (Colossians 3:2) No matter what we think about most is what we create in our experience. I know this to be true. When my mind is focused on Him so many amazing things happen.
All I know is that overall when I look around at my life, I like what I see. But, I am feeling more ready to branch live a higher level of existance. I don't mean by having more things, I just mean by enjoying it all more. I really desire to feel immersed in life and I guess the way to do that is to figure out what you enjoy about life.

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