Saturday, July 10, 2010

The Grass Is Greener...

...wherever you water it (and pull the weeds).

People often make the mistake of thinking that "the grass is greener on the other side." I know that I have been guilty of having that mentality in the past. I read a quote once that said the "grass is greener wherever you water it." That has really stuck with me...I added in the pulling the weeds part. Our life is definitely a garden. It requires (daily) maintenance, it requires patience, it requires pulling the weeds and nurturing the flowers. It is work. It is beautiful.

The pics are a glimpse of my actual garden which basically reflects where I am at. Looks like I need to do some serious weeding : )

On Monday, I am starting a 4 week boot camp program in our Fitness Studio that my sis-in-law, Monica, has put together. I am nervous and excited, but more than anything I am ready to reclaim feeling powerful.

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