Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Friday

Life has been quite challenging, lately. The weather has been symbolic of all that I've been feeling ... rainy, sunless, dark, cold. I actually have been thinking of seeing someone like a counselor, someone to talk through some of these feelings. But, that door keeps being closed in interesting ways. I'm trying not to read too much into that and stay open to encountering the right person to talk to. Meantime, I continue to go to Him. Molly has been a blessing in that I get up before 6am every morning (she demands it). I make my coffee, put it in a pretty mug, and sit down with my daily devotional. It's funny how you would think this time with the Lord would make everything better ... I thought that is what it would do. But, I've been feeling worse and I know in my heart it's because unresolved issues are being brought to light that I need to deal with. He's not punishing me, He's saving me from myself. It truly hurts to grow in the Lord. He's doing a big work in me and I know that if I stay close to Him someday I will be on the other side of a lot of these feelings.
Today, is yet another dreary weather day. And, I don't feel up to par. However, in honor of Jesus who died for our sins on this day - I am choosing to be joyful, whatever it takes. This life is a gift, there are so many blessings as I look around. I will not be defeated. Thank you, Jesus, for your coming and going.

Is God aloof from human pain
That ravages our mortal frame?
Oh, no, Christ felt our agony
When sin and death He overcame! - D.De Haan

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."
Joshua 1:9

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