Sunday, May 1, 2011

Journey to Wings

The other night, while lying in bed, I felt prompted to write in my "Journey to Wings" journal. This is what came out.

The stirrings in my heart continue.
They cause waves - thundering waves,
that if ignored will come crashing upon me.

I wish to flow with them, easily,
into my dreams that lie dormant
waiting - ever so patiently -
for me to awaken them.

I understand the creative process
is not meant to be hurried along,
but I know I am getting closer to touching
the sky.

All the wrestling, all the searching,
all the reading, all the writing,
all the knocking ... will be unveiled.
In His time.

I will see the other side of the sun.
I know darkness.
I am ready to experience joy.

I am no longer okay with being frozen.
Fear and its death grip are slowly melting.
I wish to soar, to flap my wings
loudly - clumsily - straight into the life
that I am called to.

It's no mystery. It's no well kept secret.
It is mine for the taking.
I simply must get over myself,
and look straight up.

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