Saturday, June 5, 2010

Pet Cemetery

One part of living on "the farm" (just wondering...does there need to be cows and pigs to call it a farm?)that I will never get used to is that the animals will die. There are SO many cats. My mom affectionately calls all of them "Momma Kitty." One day, a cat rounded the corner and my mom yells out "Grandma Kitty!" I thought we were all going to pass out from laughter. I had never heard her call any of them anything other than "Momma Kittys". But, apparantly Grandma Kitty is the one who started it all. Myself and the kids like to name the cats...there is Lion Kitty, Precious, Randy, Chloe, etc. But, the problem is that once you name a cat anything other than "Momma Kitty" you become attached.

One of the cats on the property, Frankie, has been sick for a few weeks. Not eating, not moving much. Last night Frankie died in our backyard at Grandma's house (I might always refer to the house as Grandma's house). I was so upset all night about it. 36 acres of land and he chooses our backyard. I kept waking up throughout the night thinking about him laying out there. Today, my Dad buried him. We have a true pet cemetery on the property. There are horses, cats, dogs, birds. Any "pet" that has ever died on the land has been given a proper buriel.

When an animal dies I immediatly feel like a little kid again. It's always like experiencing death for the first time for me. It's hard to shake.

Rest in peace, Frankie.

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