Monday, July 9, 2012

Green Lights & God

I told my favorite nurse, Adele, this morning that I feel like God gave me all green lights with this pregnancy. I feel like I did good with my loss and suffering...not perfect...but, good. I honored God, I trusted Him, I deepened my walk with Him. Again, not perfect, nowhere near, but I did good. And, I feel like He took all that I've been through and just gave me the green light pass through this pregnancy. Sure, there were scares in the beginning. There was spotting and then there was a polyp on my cervix that needed removing. And yep, I got a total of 20 shots of progesterone (in my butt, I might add) ... 20 weeks in a row! Lots and lots of Dr. appointments. Eli is an expensive baby. Rob has decent insurance, but they can only take care of so much. With all that being said, this pregnancy has been EASY. I have enjoyed it. I never would have thought that I could have after losing Faith, but God did a good work in me leading up to becoming pregnant so that I could experience that joy (and almost an innocence of never having lost). He is Big, so Big. Today I began my 9th month (week 36). I saw my Dr. this morning and I am dialated 1 1/2 to 2 cm - right where I should be. He said my cervix is nice and soft and based on that believes I will deliver sooner rather than later. Eli is in position for a natural delivery (has been since week 32). Thank you Lord for green lights, but more importantly thank you for all the red lights that brought me here. For it was in the being stopped that I learned to take you in, drink up all that you are, and continue on this amazing journey. Thank you, thank you.

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