Thursday, April 29, 2010

A Thankful Heart

I once read that gratitude is one of the ultimate prayers. I think about all of those times that I ask...I ask for myself, I ask on behalf of others...but, how often do I just thank him for all that already is?

I'm starting this day with a thankful heart...and every time I have a moment where I am not feeling peaceful inside about big things, little things, things things...I am going to just stop and say...thank you for (fill in the blank).

I took Roxy to the vet on Monday because she has been hacking for 3 weeks, which she has never done before. It scared me. When Rob and I got married we both brought a child with us...mine just happens to be furry and goes to the bathroom outside : ) The vet said it's an upper respiratory issue and gave me antibiotics to give her twice a day. Last night she just stopped hacking. She didn't at all through the night or this morning. I remember praying over my dog on Monday and asking that she be well. And, guess what - she is ok...and guess what else, I didn't thank God.

I have asked for many things to be ok this week (and it's ok to ask), but the hard part is giving it over to Him totally. Today, I am releasing everything to Him and I have asked plenty, so today I am just going to thank Him for all that is and all that will be.

Yesterday, I found this little book that Grandma Henke gave to me for one of my birthdays. And, inside she wrote "To My Little Krissy"...I love seeing her handwriting especially unexpectedly. The book is all about the soul and things that matter. I am going to write a little passage from it that is inspiring me today.

Find strength and courage in patience...
Even within shadows, there is a light flowing--softly glowing through the night,
gathering strength...waiting patiently for a new morning full of peacefulness and quiet joy.
Nothing succeeds more surely than patient repetition.
Ask any wind that builds a sand dune.
Ask any river that carves out a canyon.

Today, I am thankful for so many people and places and things. But, mostly I am grateful for the one that instills peace in our hearts...the one that gently whispers that everything is ok even when it feels like the sky is falling.

1 comment:

Ashley C. said...

I can I ever be able to write like you? Sheesh! You go, (godly) girl! :-]