Wednesday, April 21, 2010

No Longer M.I.A

Hard to believe a month has gone by since I've blogged. A true indication that life really is flying by! Trying to enjoy all of its moments.

The most spectacular news is that we are moving into Grandma's house the last week of May! We will be renting out our house to a couple that we know well. Even if they just want to rent for a year, that will help get our house in a better selling range for today's market. I feel like it's a dream come true! I am afraid to get overly excited about this all happening. Unfortunately, the older I get the less excited I allow myself to become because I have learned that things don't always work out. I am remaining hopeful and expectant though. I feel that blessings are on the verge of entering into my realm. I know that I am always blessed, but I mean the big stuff...the stuff that keeps me up at night. The stuff I write in my journal about...that stuff is coming! I have to believe.

Still working on clearing out Grandma's's hard when there just isn't full days to get stuff done....also part of being an adult. So, we are doing what we can when we can.

Friday is Rob's birthday. Tomorrow night we are going out to dinner with his parents as they will be out of town this weekend. Friday, Emily and I are going to make him his cake. I'm a little nervous about the cake situation, I started the 10 day diet again (on my own) and am on day 3. I have been able to keep the weight off from when I did it last time so I am truly inspired for another go around with it. There is never a good time to start...if it wasn't Rob's birthday, it would be something else. I have T minus 2 days to figure out the perfect gift for him. He is SO much better at the gift giving than I am. He pays such good attention.

I've been working at keeping my cup full. I am learning that when you take care of yourself you are better for everyone else around you. I feel better than I have in awhile...eating lots of fruits and veges, tanning(love those endorphins), taking time for baths (I forgot how much I love those), reading great books, and spending quality time with my people. And, always, always thanking God. It's a miracle that we're even walking this Earth. I don't like everything that goes on, I don't like all the cards that have been dealt to the people I care about...but, I try to give those thoughts and feelings over to God so that I can enjoy the gift of the time that I have been given.

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