Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Here Comes The Sun...

...little darlin', here comes the sun - it's alright.
This is what I am singing in my head on yet another dreary winter day!
I do find the snow to be beautiful, but it loses it's magic when I let Roxy out to do her duty in it!

I got in some much needed time at Grandma's house. So much work to be done, but the line that always gets me through is this ... slow and steady wins the race! I have learned over the years to let things happen in their own time. Everything that I have rushed, pushed, ran through has all fell apart due to lack of thoughtfulness. I know that if I continue to do the things that I can do (tear down wallpaper, sort through items and make decisions about them, etc.) that divine intervention will intercede and meet me at the halfway mark. I'm not even going to spend energy worrying whether or not our house will sell. That is not mine to worry about...we do the work to get it to that point and the rest will be played out magically. This is how life works, I'm convinced. You can't leave it all up to God. You have to do what you can do and have the Faith that the rest will work out (in its perfect time). This applies to every aspect of my life today and always.

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