Thursday, May 6, 2010


Over the weekend we moved 6 trailer loads to Grandma's. Our house literally echos. We just have our beds, clothes and some kitchen and bathroom stuff. Things we can't move until it's time to not return. I was also able to pack a trailer full to bring to Grandma's church rummage sale. It hardly made a dent in how much stuff is left in the house though. I just keep telling myself every little bit counts. I think the process of us getting things in order is what makes moving there fun as well. It's a journey in itself, one that I am truly enjoying!

When we move we are going to hook back up with t.v and internet. That was fine to save some money for awhile, but now it's just kind of annoying not to have access to either of those at home.

Last night I went to our local high school's honors banquet on behalf of our business and our local chamber (I am the secretary for our local chamber board and we sponsor the banquet). I was dreading going because I was attending by myself, but it turned out to be a really nice time. I realized how many of our clients have smart kids!!! : ) It is so wonderful to see these kids who are excelling in their school work as well as involved in so many extracurricular activities...athletics, clubs, community work. I felt so proud of them, I can only imagine how their parents felt at the moment their child's name was called. It made me regret not trying harder in school. I can totally see Emily being up there...she is an amazing good in school and likes to get involved with everything. Hopefully, someday I'll be on the parent side of the banquet watching one of ours. And, if not ... that's cool to. I didn't turn out so bad and I don't think I gave my parents much to be proud of when I was in school : )!

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