Saturday, May 8, 2010


Yesterday after I left work I rescued a dog named snoopy. I was sitting in our kitchen finishing an activity for a business class that I am taking (and loving by the way) when Roxy started going 'insano' ... I looked outside and there was a beagle in our yard. It was obviously someones pet (the bandanna around his neck gave that away). I had never seen the dog before, so I ran outside and called him which caused him to run far away from me. I went into the house and grabbed Roxy's leash and proceeded to follow the dog into a field. He finally gave in, he knew I was on a mission. All I kept thinking was if that were my dog wandering around I would want someone to pursue her and get her home to me! I called the number on his tag and it was actually for the Rabies certification place...they got his id # from me and then told me where he lived. Snoopy lives 2 houses away from us! I thought I knew every dog on our block...clearly snoopy does not receive walks from his owners. Snoopy was not happy to go home, his owners didn't even know he was gone. It was all very strange. It's crazy what dogs do to my heart. I love them so much and am now thinking of ways to break into my neighbors house to steal their dog. Issues ... I know.

Tonight we are taking Rob's parents out to dinner for Mother's Day since they will be gone spending time with Rob's Grandparents tomorrow. Going to one of my favorite non-chain eating places. Excited to eat and spend quality time with my in-laws!

1 comment:

Ashley C. said...

You're really good at saving dogs! Too bad I don't live closer to you because our dogs are always escaping out of our house! haha :-]