Thursday, March 4, 2010

Give Us This Day

Is it wrong that all I can hardly think about this week is pancakes smothered in butter and syrup?! Rob and I have begun day 4 out of 10. We have followed the plan perfectly and are expecting to look like part of the Baywatch cast this summer!

This morning I got Emily ready for school and scarfed down some eggs. I am not a fan of eating in the morning, I have to make myself. I'd prefer to just drink coffee until about 10 or 11 each day. Those days are gone. It is true that people who eat breakfast have better weight control...once I started forcing myself to eat breakfast (about 6 months ago) I've been successfully able to keep 10lbs. off.

I'm working hard on the next 10lbs, hence the fish eating, working out program.

It feels good to focus on something I actually have control over. I look around at my wonderful family and see these unfair cards that have been dealt. I know we weren't promised fair. I know life is a gift and it's a miracle that any of us are here. But, I just have to say that life can hurt really, really bad. Life can feel as if someone stuck a sword in it. I am praying, always, for my CJ and his legs and his life. I am praying for Cathy and the cancer that continues to show up very uninvited. I am praying to the God of miracles. Will you pray with me?

The Lord's prayer says, "Give us this day our daily bread." I have a wooden plate from my Grandma that has that verse...and, it's a reminder to take it one day at a time. It's hard not to look ahead. It's hard not to peek into what we think is our future. But, God wants us to stay present. That is the place where we feel most alive and well.

And, on a 'not so serious' note...I really wish I had some bread : )

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