Friday, November 13, 2009

Prisoner of Hope

"Return to your fortress, O prisoners of hope; even now I announce that I will restore twice as much to you." Zechariah 9:12

Today has been a joy-filled day. From the moment I woke up, I felt it was going to be a fun day. Got my favorite coffee from my favorite local coffee joint, had a delightful day at work, and actually worked out in our fitness studio before coming home! It felt amazing. So what if I walked 27 minutes on the treadmill while reading a magazine that caught me up on the celebrity gossip. It still counts ... :)

I received a gift card to Barnes and Noble for my birthday from a dear friend. I was so excited about getting new books and I just knew I wouldn't be near a store in the next few days, so I went on their website and ordered 3 books...with money to spare! They didn't even charge me shipping. Gotta love that.

The books arrived while I was at work today (which added to the already wonderful day I was having).

My book choices definitely reflect where I am at in my life. Here they are...

"The Smart Stepmom" (by Ron L. Deal and Laura Petherbridge)-Practical Steps to Help You THRIVE.
I am truly blessed with the Stepmom gig because Emily is a super kid. She is the type of kid that I could easily fall in love with even if I wasn't nuts about her Dad. I know that if Emily was a different kind of kid that I would definitely have a different kind of marriage. I didn't get the book because I have a rotten step kid or because I don't know how to handle her. I got the book because that is what I do. I am someone who is hell bent on consciously creating my life. I want to be the best Stepmom that I can be. I am very aware that I play a key role in her life. I feel that we are in each other's lives for a purpose. And, I need to know that I gave my best to what God has given me. I came into her life when she was 6 (she's now 9) and I thank God for that age because it's magical. 6 years old...they love their teacher, they are open to going with the flow. Our relationship has always been natural, never forced. A. because she is an awesome kid and B. because I love her like she was mine. She is mine, but in a different kind of way. Oh, and the best part of this book (that I've noticed so far) is that it references the bible! Ah, once again the "secret" ingredient to making any relationship work.

"The Pioneer Woman Cooks" (Ree Drummond) Recipes From an Accidental Country Girl. Ree actually writes one of my favorite blogs (
She is my kind of writer...inspiring, creative, real and hilarious! This is her first book and it's now a New York Times Bestseller thanks to her blog. I feel a shift in my life where I want to be more of a caretaker (not in a healthy, I'm not taking care of myself kind of way) I want to feed people...with joy in my heart! I know Ashley ( hears me loud and clear. We've had this conversation (and then some). :) By the way Ash, I still don't know how to do links on here!!!

And, finally the book that inspired this post to begin with (gosh it took a long time for me to get to this point).
"It's Your Time" (Joel Osteen). In the book, Joel immediately noted Zechariah 9:12 and how we should be prisoners of Hope! I really feel that having hope is what I need to be focused on right now. And, when I say focused ... I mean the horse blinders have got to be on! Like a one track mind for hope. Hope is something that I currently sway in and out of. Today, I am hopeful...but, that is because it's been a spectacular day. Tomorrow, I might feel hopeless. I know that God is working to get me to the point of being hopeful no matter the weather. I truly believe that we are not yet pregnant because God is building up Hope in my heart. He wants me to be expectant, not doubting. He knows I can't get to that place if I immediately get what I want. It's really interesting to me that the less I get what I've been asking for...the more of a believer I become. I guess because it all just takes time! It's a slow process...not a quick fix like this world wants to offer us at every turn.

If I have to suffer to know God, so be it. I can honestly say that I would much rather be walking the narrow and painful path...than the wide and fleeting path.

1 comment:

Ashley C. said...

Oh, geez, you're so cute! I'll show you on Tuesday. ;-]