Monday, January 11, 2010


I first have to start by saying how very American it is of me that our sacrifice that I am so nervous about this morning is nothing compared to sacrifices that people in other countries have to make every single day of their lives just to survive.

Rob and I have canceled our internet and cable. The comcast guy is coming between 8-11am, today. Which means this post may very well get interrupted by a complete shutdown. I'm typing fast...

We have talked about doing this a number of times, but just haven't felt "ready." Then, Rob started putting more money into a retirement fund this year, we are having a certain percentage of his check go automatically into our savings (saving off the top is the only way for us), Emily got braces, she is playing an expensive band instrument (the clarinet) and then there is our needing to sell our house (praying to come out ahead) and officially buy Grandma's. We had to cut back's the smart thing to do. It's not just about the money for us though. We have a lot of things that need accomplishing early this year. We need to have a productive winter to make it all work out.

It's not that we live on the internet or watch too much t.v., but I feel nervous because the second I need to look something up ... I can't. And, the fact that the only t.v show that we love starts its new season tomorrow! I just laughed when I heard that.

I know we may need time to go through detox (I can feel my hands shaking as a I type)....detoxification of what are culture has gotten completely used to (and dependent upon)...the ability to have instant everything! Instant information, instant numbness in watching a show that makes you forget about your life for a whole half hour.

I can just hear my ancestors shaking their heads.

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