Sunday, January 17, 2010

Tea Time

The not having cable and internet is going along interestingly. Rob and I have worked out 3x's this week. We came to workout tonight and both of us ended up in different rooms on the internet. Ha! I think we'll actually keep up on our workouts so that we can watch t.v. Hey, whatever motivates - right?! On a serious note what I miss most is this blog. I didn't realize how much I need to write until I couldn't. This post is a treat after working out on the treadmill for over 30 minutes.

It's been a nice weekend. Today, Rob's mom, Nancy, myself & Emily went to Infinitea. It's a restaurant that specializes in tea. We did the royal treatment which consists of choosing from about 50 different teas to drink throughout your meal. It was good quality visit. Working on putting memories into our memory box! After Grandma passed I learned how important it was to have real quality time with your loved ones. It's nice to have those to hold on to. I always forget my camera though. I need to work on that. The posts with pictures are always more fun!

Going to be busy the next few weeks. This coming weekend we're having our work Christmas party...we always do it well after the holidays since that is such a hectic time for everyone. We'll got out for a nice dinner and drinks and a bunch of us will go out afterwards and stay out much too late. I am looking forward to the night out. Also, I am the chairperson for our Chamber's Annual Installation (of officers)Dinner which is taking place on January 30th. The theme is baseball and we're pretty excited about that since our town is going to soon be getting a minor league baseball team!!! We have a lot to wrap up between now and then.

All in all, things are going along well. I am proud of Rob and I for starting the New Year out the way we wanted to. One day at a time ...

1 comment:

Ashley C. said...

Congrats on the third (and first and second) workout! I really am proud of you two. I think it's so funny that you both ended up in two different rooms on the internet and are taking advantage of the TV in fitness. I've heard a lot of celebs that say their treat for working out is watching their favorite show while working out; I guess it works! :-]
Oh, and I'll be there on Saturday. Josh was able to move plans to Sunday! I am so excited! :-]